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Hip-hop Classic: A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Reviews: Non-Fiction | 8WM/Novakane
"Without A Doubt" single | Dres solo album
Video: Choice is Yours | Flavor of the Month
Video: Without A Doubt | Similak | Strobelite
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Black Sheep's Dres speaks out on new album
To some artists, an interview can be like torture. The chances of pulling an honest or lengthy answer from their mouths -- let alone discuss the breakup of a legendary group -- are about as welcome as going in and yanking a tooth. That wasn't the case when The 411 Online caught up with Black Sheep's Dres, who opened up about everything, from where he's been since his last album in 1999 to parting with Mr. Lawnge for a second time during the production of the first Black Sheep album since '94. We not only didn't have to tiptoe around the hard questions, we hardly had to ask them at all. And how's this for inspiration? "I feel like I was meant to have Oprah money, just so I can show Oprah how to spend her money," Dres said. "In my opinion, I just feel like there's certain things that we're not doing as a community. Everybody wants to win and everybody wants the advantages of the good life and all that, but on the real, that sh-- doesn't define me. I'm the same person getting off the train as I am getting out of a Bentley. It doesn't make a difference who I am. It doesn't validate me. I'm the type of cat that will be picking up the train and take a picture with the guy who just got out of the Rolls. It's all about who I am. They're not looking at what I got. I think that a lot of people need to learn that lesson. Your character can speak a lot louder than the materials of the world." You can help him achieve this goal by going to the Black Sheep MySpace page and picking up the new album, and if his words aren't enough, check our review of 8WM/Novakane and hopefully you'll take our word for it.
Dres also had plenty more to share, so read the full interview by clicking here.
-- The 411 Online
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