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Foxy Brown album dumped by Def Jam?
Foxy Brown reportedly has made Jay-Z mad. And that's not a good thing when he's the president of your record label. Foxy's new album, Black Roses, is scheduled for a December release on Def Jam, but that apparently is in jeopardy now. "Jay-Z is furious at Foxy's lack of productivity on her album Black Roses," a source told the New York Post. "The album has been plagued as a result of Foxy's hearing loss, constant legal woes and horrible publicity. Regardless, the label has poured tons of money into her project, pushed the album back four times, and Foxy still hasn't been able to produce anything but embarrassing editorial features." Among the embarrassments are being threatened with jail time for not appearing in court and ultimately being sentenced to three years probation and anger management classes for assaulting two nail salon stylists over a $20 manicure. "He is also mad because Foxy was talking out of school about him and Rihanna and saying things that weren't true," the source said in the Post report. "Def Jam planned to release her album around the release of her book, 'Broken Silence,' but Foxy has since lost her publishing deal with Simon & Schuster and has been vigorously shopping her book to others... Foxy has absolutely no idea that she is about to get the ax from Jay. She's been trying to get meetings with him, and he isn't even returning her phone calls."
-- The 411 Online
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