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The Game: 'The one-man N.W.A'?
It seems The Game has a high opinion of himself and his new album -- at least on one track. In an interview with MTV, Game claims that his performance on "Compton" from The Doctor's Advocate singlehandedly rivals the classic "Straight Outta Compton" delivered by Ice Cube, Eazy-E, MC Ren and Dr. Dre almost a decade ago. "My favorite record on this album is a record that Will.I.Am produced -- it's like 'Straight Outta Compton,'" he said. "If 'Straight Outta Compton' never hit, this record would've been 'Straight Outta Compton.' But the crazy part about it is it's all me, you know what I'm sayin'? It's not Cube, Eazy, Ren and Dre, it's just me: the one-man N.W.A." We actually don't know what you're sayin', Game. If "Straight Outta Compton" had "never come out"? In 1988?! And now you're bringing it in 2006? That makes absolutely no sense and only contributes to the disdain MCs like Cube have expressed on recent albums. No respect for those that blazed the trail. And can DJ Yella get some love? The Doctor's Advocate arrives in stores Nov. 14, so you can decide for yourself.
-- The 411 Online
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