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Los Angeles police arrest The Game on suspicion of making threats
The Game was arrested on suspicion of making criminal threats after police searched his home for more than three hours, authorities said. The arrest Friday was related to an incident that occurred in February, said Officer Martha Garcia, a Los Angeles Police Department spokeswoman. She declined to elaborate. KABC-TV captured the 27-year-old MC being driven off in the back of a patrol car as a bystander yelled, "We love you Game, we love you." The Game stuck his tongue out at the camera and said, "I want to say that I'm not guilty, and I love California." The Game, whose real name is Jayceon Taylor, was booked at the police station, and bail was set at $50,000, according to the county sheriff's department. It was not immediately known whether The Game had hired an attorney. He was arrested in November in New York City after authorities said he told a cab driver that he was an undercover police officer, persuading him to run a series of red lights.
-- The Associated Press
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